Join us in urging DoorDash to #DeliverWithDignity by refusing to do business with Wendy’s until the fast-food company joins the award-winning Fair Food Program!
Want to join the growing movement for farmworker justice? Join hundreds of allies across the country as we make the call for DoorDash to take a stance on farmworkers' human rights and drop Wendy’s from their list of delivery options until the fast-food chain ensures farmworkers in its supply chain are protected through the Fair Food Program.
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“Actions speak louder than words, and action means more than charity. We urge these delivery companies to join the Wendy’s Boycott, stand on the right side of history and take bold leadership on the issue of human rights in our country’s food system by refusing to do business with Wendy’s until the company joins the Fair Food Program.
what is the deliver with dignity campaign?
Farmworkers in this country have confronted a myriad of human rights abuses for generations, including: discrimination, extreme poverty, systemic wage theft, exposure to dangerous pesticides and deadly heat and storms, violence and humiliation at the hands of their employers, sexual harassment and assault, and even modern-day slavery. Unfortunately, these harsh conditions continue to be the grim reality for all too many farmworkers toiling in America’s fields today.
The coronavirus pandemic has further exposed these longstanding inequities, while dramatically deepening consumers’ awareness of the essential contributions farmworkers make to the nation’s economy and food supply.
The paradox at the base of our food system — the shameful fact that we treat our country’s essential food workers as expendable people — has been laid bare by the pandemic, and our trillion-dollar food industry can no longer afford to turn a blind eye to their abuse. If we are to finally right this historical wrong, it is incumbent on industry leaders at the top of the food supply chain to help ensure the health and wellbeing of the essential people at the bottom of that chain who do the work of feeding us all.
After nearly two decades of organizing with farmworkers and consumers across the country for systemic change, the CIW established the Fair Food Program (FFP) in 2011 as a pioneering partnership for social responsibility among farmworkers, farmers and over a dozen major food retailers.
Today, the FFP ensures humane wages and working conditions for tens of thousands of workers on participating farms in eight states and counting, effectively eradicating gender-based violence and sexual assault, guaranteeing health and safety protections in the fields—including enforceable COVID-19 safety protocols designed to combat the scourge of coronavirus infections and deaths currently plaguing farmworkers nationwide—and even preventing modern slavery operations.
Since 2001, the Alliance for Fair Food has powered national consumer campaigns in solidarity with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, contributing critical support for the CIW’s success in signing Fair Food Agreements with 14 multi-billion dollar food retail companies, including Yum Brands, McDonald’s, Burger King, Subway, Whole Foods and Walmart.
However, there remains a notable outlier: Wendy’s. The hamburger giant is the only major fast-food chain not to join the Fair Food Program, thereby depriving the farmworkers who pick its produce of the FFP’s best-in-class human rights protections.
In 2016, the CIW launched a national boycott of Wendy’s, calling on the company to join the Fair Food Program, and hundreds of thousands of consumers—including students, faith leaders and people of conscience —have answered that call by refusing to patronize the fast-food giant.
As consumers, we believe it is important for food delivery services to understand the implications of actively partnering with a company that has failed to meet the standard set by all its peer restaurants for protecting farmworkers’ human rights.
In the wake of recent protests in support of racial justice, DoorDash affirmed its responsibility to speak up and take action against injustice, inequality and discrimination. We believe this admirable commitment must be extended to the mostly Brown, Indigenous, and Black farmworkers that make it possible for restaurants to produce food, and thus for these businesses to deliver meals nationwide. This is true now more than ever before, with farmworkers facing a far higher risk than most Americans of contracting COVID-19, and thus in dire need of the FFP’s human rights protections, including the Program’s unique COVID-19 safety protocols.
Actions speak louder than words, and action means more than charity. We urge DoorDash to join the Wendy's Boycott, stand on the right side of history and take bold leadership on the issue of human rights in our country’s food system by refusing to do business with Wendy’s until the company joins the Fair Food Program.
By doing so, DoorDash will be committing to delivering food with dignity.